Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Hey kids, it's been awhile. Life has been crazy to say the least. But, just under the wire, just in time to save my membership (i hope) I have completed the May DB Challenge! requisite verbage....

The May Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Linda of make life sweeter! and Courtney of Coco Cooks. They chose Apple Strudel from the recipe book Kaffeehaus: Exquisite Desserts from the Classic Cafés of Vienna, Budapest and Prague by Rick Rodgers.

I did this really quickly, just to get it in. So, I am definitely doing it again so I can spend more time on it. It came together very quickly and easily. If I had known strudel was fairly easy to make, I would've made it long ago. Although, I really shouldn't speak so soon....since I had real trouble getting it to brown (45 minutes in the oven...instead of the 30 it should've taken) and the filling oozed out and I haven't actually tasted it yet since it just finished and is cooling off.

Okay, couldn't wait....cut into it....filling - what's left of it - was fabulous (cherry cream cheese, btw). The strudel It was a bit flavorless. I'm definitely trying again and maybe messing with it a bit. Go forth and bake, yo!